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J-Card front cover art for tape: SMA_0775
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0775
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0775

Hamza Shakkour

Ibtihalat and Religious Praises


  • Qur'an Karim (The Holy Qur'an)
  • La Ellah Ela Allah (There is No God But God)
  • Mawllai Salli Wasalem (My Lord, Send Blessings and Peace)
  • Taqasim Nay (Nay Improvisations)
  • Ya A'shek Al Moustafa (O Lover of the Chosen One)


  • Ta'tirat Al Mauled (Perfume of the Prophet's Birth))
  • Mn Yalumni Fi Gharami (Who Blames Me for My Love?)
  • Addem Al Sallat (Make the Prayer Perpetual)
  • Ya Ajmal Al Anbeia' (O, Most Beautiful Prophets)
  • A'lla Bld Al Mahboub (On the Country of the Beloved)
  • Al Lyla A'id (Tonight Is a Holiday)
Ref No: 0775
Genres: religious
Decade: 1980

Location Issued

Damascus, Syria

Artist Origin

Damascus, Syria

More Info

A collection of religious invocations and hymns performed by vocalist Hamza Shakkour during a performance in Switzerland. Hamza Shakkour (1944 - 2009) began learning the call to prayer at age ten, studying under Sheikh Muhammad Hamza Al-Qabouni, where he learned recitation, poetry, Arabic, and methods of improvisation. Later, he joined Sheikh Saeed Farhat's group, where he gained expertise in traditional chanting, and composition. In 1958, Shakkour made his inaugural radio recording, featuring a series of devotional supplications and prayers, alongside a national anthem entitled The Power of the Free Manifested in Us. His accolades extended beyond the realm of music, as he won the Damascus Bodybuilding Championship in 1963. Subsequently, he was appointed as a lead vocalist for the Umayyad Band, an adjunct of the Ministry of Culture, and toured with them across Europe. A pioneer in his field, he pioneered religious programming on Syrian television from 1972 onward. In 1974, Shakkour was appointed president of the Singers' Association and spearheaded initiatives to expand its reach beyond Syria's borders, rejuvenating religious chanting gatherings across the Arab world and beyond. In 1983, he founded the Al-Kindi ensemble, a religious singing group formed in cooperation with the Swiss artist Julian Weiss, who would participate with the band at international festivals, accompanied by Whirling Dervish performances, with the aim of presenting Sufi chanting internationally. A further collaboration with Father Elias Zehlawi and the Choir of Joy began in 2001. Shakkour's final performance was held at the Arab Literature Symposium at the Damascus Opera House in October 2008.