Maha Al-Jabri
Shu Byes'ab Alayi
- Nial Al Ashikin ya Eini (Lucky the Lovers)
- Al Zaman Ba'dni A'nak (Time Kept Me Away From You)
- Al Shuq Dawabna ya Habayebna (Longing Melted Us, Beloved Ones)
- Zdni Be Fard Al Hob (Elevate Me With Excessive Love)
- La Tada'i Al Hob ya Asmar (Don't Pretend To Love, Brown One)
- Ktir A'lena Law Habena (It's Too Much For Us If We Loved)
- Habibi Wafatni Risalatoho (I Missed My Love's Message)
- Shu Byesa'b A'leya (How Hard It Is For Me)
Disco Al Shark
Location Issued
Damascus, Syria
Artist Origin
Aleppo, Syria
More Info
A cassette featuring recordings from the artist Maha Al-Jabri (1932-1982 ) Maha Al-Jabri (Maysar Bint Adel Al-Jabri) was born in the Al-Shahba distroict of Aleppo. She was a revered Syrian singer from Aleppo, with a strong and beautiful voice that enabled her to perform the most complicated forms of Arabic song, including poems and roles composed by some of the greatest Syrian and Egyptian composers of the1960s and 1970s. She was nicknamed the Oum Kulthum of Syria, and known also as the Sultaness of Tarab.