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J-Card front cover art for tape: SMA_0554
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0554
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0554
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0554

Ali Al Mhemeid

Dabkat Shaabieh Min Afrah Al Reef (Shaabi Dabke from Countryside Weddings)



Ref No: 0554
Genres: dabke
Decade: 2000
Date: 2000



Location Issued

Aleppo, Syria

Artist Origin

Suran, Hama, Syria


Keyboard player: Talal Fares Sound Engineering: Bashar Al-Sayed and Ahmad Al Mhemeid Special thanks to Faisal Waheeb

More Info

This studio-recorded shaabi cassette album stands out for its predominantly electronic arrangement and advanced sound engineering, making it ahead of its time when released in 2000. That said, this level of quality soon became familiar and expected in Syrian shaabi music as the 2000s progressed. Our knowledge of the singer Ali Al Mhemeid, from the town of Suran in rural Hama, is limited. What we do know is his specialization and mastery in the fields of ataba, dal'ona, suwehli, and dabke. Mhemeid had a dedicated listener base in Hama, and his concerts and wedding performances are still shared today. Social media posts suggest that Mhemeid passed away recently, though we have no further details at this time.