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J-Card front cover art for tape: SMA_0426
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0426
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0426

Imad Majlawi

Tmshi Dala'a (She Walks)


  • Attaba
  • Temshi Dala' (She Strides Like a Spoiled Girl)
  • Attaba


  • Jani Khabar Makhtouba (I Heard She's Engaged)
  • Yamaha El Benaya
  • Attaba
Ref No: 0426
Genres: attaba
Decade: 1990


Al Faihaa

Al Reem Wal Angham


Location Issued

Aleppo, Syria

Homs, Syria


Keyboard: Mohammad Dayoub Sound Engineering: Hussein Jawad and Rami Ibrahim

More Info

A live tape of singer Imad Majlawi, performing successive sets of attaba and dabke characterized by pulsing rhythms and a keyboard so multi-voiced we almost believe it's more than one musical instrument at once. While the internet doesn't retain information about Imad Majlawi's origins or personal life, we know that he was heavily present in the 1990s and 2000s at parties and weddings in central and northern Syrian countryside, specializing in attaba and collaborating with its most prominent stars like Ahmad Tilawi.