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J-Card front cover art for tape: SMA_0361
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0361
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0361

Salima Murad

Kil Al Hala (You're Welcome)


  • Thall Be'nadak (Keep Being Stubborn)
  • Awham (Illusions)
  • Khallani Al Hawa (The Love Made Me)
  • Lateef w Asmar (Kind and Dark Skinned)
  • Law Jana Al Hawa (If Love Reaches Us)


  • Ah Min Al Welf (Oh, My Love)
  • Yia'ahedni (He Promises Me)
  • Al Youm (Today)
  • Kil Al Hala (You're Most Welcome)
  • Ayyuha Al Saki (Oh, Bartender)
Ref No: 0361
Genres: Iraqipop


Al Faiha'a

Location Issued

Aleppo, Syria

Artist Origin

Baghdad, Iraq

More Info

Here we have one of our archive's dearest possessions, presenting an official recording of one of Iraq and the Arab world's greatest singers, Salima Murad. She is accompanied by a masterful Eastern takht ensemble and a female chorus that surround her awe-inspiring voice, as she visits a collection of her songs that would become classics of Iraqi tarab the moment they were released. If Iraqi music were a mountain, Salima Murad built her throne at its peak. During her illustrious career, she hosted literary salons in her home, met Um Kulthum who expressed admiration for her and recorded some of her songs, married Nazem Al Ghazali and shared with him the summit of Iraqi music, and together they ran a music hall until her final days. Salima Murad was among the Iraqi Jews who refused to emigrate to Israel, and lived in Baghdad until the end of her life in 1974 at the age of sixty-eight, after her health deteriorated following her husband's death.