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J-Card front cover art for tape: SMA_0338
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0338
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0338
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0338

Hozan Dah Rowesh

Ghorbah Teh



Ref No: 0338
Genres: folkKurdish
Decade: 2000
Date: 2001


Al Jazeera Recordings

Farah Al Shammaa

Location Issued

Aleppo, Syria

Hassake, Syria

Artist Origin

Aleppo, Syria


Farah Al Shammaa Records produced a notable percentage of Kurdish tapes in our archive. This tape is by singer Hozan Dah Rowesh from the city of Kobani / Ain Al Arab in northern rural Aleppo. Hozan is distinguished by a classical voice carrying a tarab quality suitable for sad mawal, accompanied here by a mini orchestra that gives her songs a professional character compared to the home recordings that characterized early Kurdish cassettes in Syria. Hozan lives in Germany today.