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J-Card front cover art for tape: SMA_0321
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0321
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0321

Mohammed Abdel Jabbar

Ya Jirhi Al Qadeem (Oh, Old Wound)


  • Mawal Ya Heh Hesba (What She Counted)
  • Ya Jirhi (Oh, My Wound)
  • Ya Hajri (You, Who Abandoned Me)
  • Iza Qalbak (If Your Heart)
  • Esh Baqi Bi (What is Left in Me)


  • Kisret Ya Hasafe (Too Bad, It Wasn't Enough)
  • Ma Namet Al Ayn (The Eye Did Not Sleep)
  • Taikhithni Hasba (You Won't Forgive Me)
  • Mawal Makaber Quwa (Strongly Arrogant)
  • Ma Tis'al Anni (Don't Ask About Me)
Ref No: 0321
Genres: Iraqipop
Decade: 1990
Date: 1996


Al Faihaa

Location Issued

Aleppo, Syria

Artist Origin


More Info

Here we listen to a studio album from the early period of Iraqi singer Mohammad Abdel Jabbar's career, who remains strongly present in the Iraqi tarab music scene today. Despite the mastery of the arrangement and the elegance of the melodies, they are hard to notice under the powerful presence of Mohammad Abdel Jabbar with his formidable warm voice, singing with the comfort of an experienced singer and the enjoyment of one at the beginning of his career. Mohammad Abdel Jabbar, born in 1970, is considered one of the most important figures in contemporary Iraqi music, known for his unique voice and mastery of tarab singing. He began his professional career with the Dana Band where he performed fast-tempo contemporary music, before eventually finding his true calling in tarab music, where he developed his own distinct style that garnered him a wide audience. He lived today in the UAE.