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J-Card front cover art for tape: SMA_0260
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0260
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0260

Alaa Hadi

Ya Asef Al Reeh


  • Ya Asef Al Reeh (Oh, Wind Blower)
  • Mawwal Rawet Kalbi Al Hajar (You Watered My Dry Heart)
  • Ya Nar Kalbi (The Fire of My Heart)
  • Mawwal Za'eltak Ketheb (Mawal Your Sadness Is False)
  • Ya Nas Lesh (Why, People?)


  • Mawwal Hyartni Wayyak (The Confusion I Feel with You Mawwal)
  • Mo'ath Allah (God Forbid)
  • Weili Ala Hali (Woe Is Me)
  • Mawwal Shajak (Mawwal What Did You Gain?)
  • Weslet Lelaazem Ta'anat Ghadrak (Your Apologies Stabs Are Deep to the Bone)
  • Ya Hajreen Ballah (I Adjure You, Abandoners)
Ref No: 0260
Genres: pop
Decade: 1990


Al Faihaa

Location Issued

Aleppo, Syria

Artist Origin

Basrah, Iraq

More Info

A son of Basrah city, Alaa Hadi rose to prominence in the Iraqi shaabi scene during the 1990s, releasing a number of well-crafted and enjoyable recordings and songs, which leave us puzzled about why his fame faded with the entry of the new century. Some sources mention that he continued performing in restaurants, but the internet doesn't retain any recordings of him outside the 1990s era. In this tape, we notice the recording company's faith in him, providing him with rich 1990s Iraqi pop arrangements and accompanying choir, which Alaa makes the best use of, adding to them his distinctive nasal voice and flowing singing.