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J-Card front cover art for tape: SMA_0190
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0190
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0190
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0190

Various Artists

Jawfiyat Dar Alturath (Jawfiyat From the Heritage House)


  • Yam Al'osba Al'arida (Oh You ,With the Broad Headband)
  • Belroh Nafdi Watanna (With Our Souls, We Sacrifice for Our Homeland)
  • Ya Ez Aldiyar (Oh, Pride of the Homeland)


  • Ya Basha W Ezhar Alina (Oh Pasha, Reveal Your Help to Us)
Ref No: 0190
Genres: jawfiyat
Decade: 2000
Date: 2007


Heritage House

Location Issued

Suweida, Syria

Artist Origin

Suweida, Syria


Al-Mostakal for production and artistic distribution

More Info

This cassette features a selection of modernized jawfiyat songs recorded in Sweida, characterized by their national and epic themes. Highlights include Bil Rawh Nafdi Al Watan ('With Our Soul We Redeem Our Homeland), regarded as one of the most iconic songs of this genre. Jawfiyat is a form of poetry sung in the Hida'a style, a singing method inspired by the way shepherds communicate with camels. This style is prevalent in the Suweida governorate in southern Syria, particularly among the Bani Ma'rouf tribe. The songs are performed with the accompaniment of the rababa, often at important events such as going to war or celebrating weddings, or as a way to honor and remember ancestors. As heard on this tape, By the latter 1990s, electronic synthesizers began infiltrating the folk music of the region, in some cases, embellishing the traditional rababa and percussion with new textures, varieties and levels of intensity.