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J-Card front cover art for tape: SMA_0185
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0185
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0185
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0185
J-Card art for tape: SMA_0185

Ahmad Ghazlan

Al Remsh Sajani (Your Lashes Are My Prison)


  • Mawal
  • Al Rimsh Sajani (The Eyelashes Charmed Me)
  • Bent Al Madeena (City Girl)
  • Tanshoof Ahlna (To See Our Families)
  • Ya Bnaya (Hey Girl)


  • Al Bareha Bel Helm (In Yesterday's Dream)
  • Ya Omri (My Life)
  • Ya Kalbi (My Heart)
  • Samra Waseet Ein (Dark Skinned With Large Eyes)
Ref No: 0185
Genres: shaabi
Decade: 2000
Date: 2008


RT Studio

Location Issued

Aleppo, Syria

Artist Origin

Hassake, Syria


Recorded in Yehia Mousa Studio and RT StudioGeneral & Artistic Supervision: Johnny Ibrahim

More Info

This studio album was recorded by Ahmad Ghazlan when he was still fourteen years old, but it wouldn't be accurate to say he recorded it at the beginning of his career, as he started singing and performing at age seven. The album is distinguished by its cohesive and masterful shaabi arrangement, carrying the ethnically diverse sound of Ras Al Ain city, with its Kurdish and Turkish influences, while Ahmad Ghazlan's voice uniquely combines youthfulness and experience, offering his listeners a special pleasure that's hard to find in other cassettes. Ras Al Ain native Ahmad Ghazlan began his career in 2001 when he was still seven years old, and released several tapes as a child, before his career and fame peaked later in his youth when he released the song Yamma El Hob Yamma, which achieved enormous popularity and was listened to and viewed on YouTube more than 160 million times, while his other songs on his YouTube channel garnered more than 12 million listens. Ahmad Ghazlan lives in Dubai today, and is followed by tens of thousands of fans on various social media platforms where Ahmad is highly active.